"FLAIR by Saszeline" collection


A breath of fresh air in the fashion world

A collaborative collection of sustainable fashion for everyone

Great news! We have launched a new line in collaboration with Danish singer, songwriter, and environmental activist Saszeline Emanuelle Dreyer.

The collection is inspired by a shared vision of democratising sustainable fashion. Upcycled silk and viscose, timeless design, and pre-order only, define a new way of creating fashion without generating waste.
Comfort meets clean lines and minimalism, in a design that is timeless, seasonless, and multifunctional. This collection reminds us that when it comes to our wardrobe, less is more and conscious consumption is what it is all about.

Production takes place in the EU, under fair working conditions, avoiding overseas shipping and emissions. The collection carries the message of a new movement in sustainable fashion - luxury materials and custom design, accessible to all.

Want to get to know Saszeline and FLAIR Copenhagen a bit better? Then don’t miss the interview with Saszeline below!  


First things first, I wanted to say that the collection you created in collaboration with FLAIR Copenhagen is truly inspirational!
I am really interested in understanding why you chose to work with FLAIR Copenhagen and how their philosophy fits your lifestyle and principles?

 I have had a lot of requests for collaborations with several companies. The reason I decided to collaborate with FLAIR Copenhagen is that I feel that this brand and I share the same set of values, such as producing clothes in a sustainable way, minimising waste, etc. For many years now, I've been pushing the sustainable way of living and I think it's very important that we stop overproducing in general. So I stopped shopping in fast fashion stores and adopted a sustainable lifestyle. I don’t care about making business, money or becoming more famous if it means harming the world I'm leaving for my kids.

I love FLAIR’s idea of producing a small number of items from leftover material. In fact, I made it very clear that with this new collection I didn't want to produce 100 or 2000 pieces: we will produce only the number of garments that people will order. In this way, there is zero waste and that's the whole idea.


You put sustainability at the core of your lifestyle. Can you tell me about your transformation to a sustainable lifestyle and the daily actions that define it?

 Working with several companies also means receiving a lot of free stuff. In fact, my industry is all about consume, consume, and consume some more. Five years ago, I started thinking about this sustainable lifestyle and I decided to change my daily routine step by step. I don't think anyone can live a 100% sustainable lifestyle, but I do believe we all can do something. 

For example, I used to drive a great car that was faster and nicer, while now I drive a car that runs 20 kilometres per litre in order to consume less. I have been a vegetarian for more than 20 years and one year ago I went vegan. I am not a strict vegan, but I am just trying to live ‘greener’ for several reasons, that go from sustainability to health and body care. I don't use soap when I wash my clothes, and I try to be as free from plastics as possible, for example, by using my own shopping bag or my own metal bottle to drink water.

A few years ago, I was on holidays in Barcelona with my kids and we decided to spend at least half an hour everyday collecting garbage by the beach. And I remember my son saying, ‘Mommy this is so embarrassing, everyone is looking at us!’. But the message I wanted him to understand, as well as everybody else, is that we are not the crazy ones - the crazy ones are the all the people that don’t care about our planet and left all this garbage. I have been showing all this on my Instagram because I want to inspire others to do a few daily sustainable actions that take care of Mother Nature. 

 You are spreading a powerful positive message to everybody, thank you for that. Do you ever miss something about your old lifestyle? 

If you have a look at my closet you can see that it is 1/10th of its original size, because I stopped saying “yes” to the multiple companies wanting to send me clothes. I still wear the same clothes and outfits that I had five, six or seven years ago. Of course, sometimes, I miss having so many new pieces and options in my closet, but, at the same time, I realise that I don’t need all this clothes and accessories anymore. I opted for a more ethical lifestyle that consists of buying fewer, higher-quality (and longer-lasting) items.


I am glad we are doing this interview and it is always good to get inspiration from a powerful voice like yours. Going back to the collection, can you tell me more about the jumpsuit? Who is this collection for? And what is its message?

First of all, I love jumpsuits! I bought one several years ago that I still use, but it is a product that I can’t find anymore. So, I thought I could create something similar, but in a proper material and in a sustainable way, instead of the usual cheap materials that are harmful to our skin and body.  

This jumpsuit is something you can wear any time you want. You can wear it for a fancy night with a belt, high heels and a jacket. Otherwise, it fits perfectly with simple flip flops for a relaxed look on Sundays at home.

I believe this collection is for all women that are comfortable in their own skin and who like to have a relaxed feeling, instead of being uptight in the way they dress. Whether you are a girl or a woman, you will always have days where you just want to wear something relaxed! And this collection, made entirely in silk and viscose, makes that possible.



Elisa Laderchi